Take the city
Sympathetic Adhesive, Black Pant and Black Cloth.
Duration - 60 minutes
Where do we stand now?
A collaboration between HH Art Spaces and Kochi Biennale Foundation 2022 - 2023
13th to 17th December
Live Art Dutch Ware House
The landscape of memory and feeling needs to heal: war and fear, authority and discontent, apathy and starvation, excess and waste. How can we foreground the processes of synergy and symbiosis, which apply to the natural world of ecology, in fueling the desire to care and nourish the planet as a humanity, in this moment of geopolitical, ecological and humanitarian crisis? To insist on care and well-being as an act of resistance and transformation is imperative. Our contemporaneity is marked by the deepening of the body-device nexus; the dichotomy between humanity and technology has reduced. Engulfed in a deluge of metadata and code, as reality slinks through an augmented virtuality (collapsed into one), our impulses to dream, remember, and heal are diminished, and our access to subliminal memory is inhibited. Our autophagic relationship to identity and consumption, layering and flattening movement and mobility, blurs our perception of power and agency. The global pandemic expressed narratives of dislocation and disembodiment as people experienced a shift in the perception of time, space, place, and to other bodies around them.
Live and performance artists invited by HH Art Spaces, Goa, are encouraged to consider these provocations as points of departure or rupture. The artist acts as medium, agent, shaman, storyteller, provocateur, activist, facilitator, catalyst, scientist, or critic. During a residency period in Kochi, engaged in process and practice, they weave narratives of site and place, in the magic of artistic freedom and peace.
Turn your Bowl into a Stupa
Performance, locally sourced bowls and text on paper
Duration - 3 hours (Day I) 1 Hour (Day II & III)
South Asian Bastard
Multimedia performance
Duration - Performance 2 hours, Video 48:04 Min
The river meets the sea
Charcoal on rice paper, earthen pots, and performance
Duration - 1 hour ( Day I) & 40 minutes (Day II)
An Ongoing Conversation between You and Me
Duration - 12 hours (3 days, 4 hours a day)

समय पहाड हो गया हैl 'Samay Pahad Ho Gaya Hein’ A Return of time
Performance, sculpture
Duration - 14 Days (120 minutes each day)
Language of Light
Reflective stickers, rope, body & live sound
Duration - 3 hours